
In this course you will learn how to create a system that can deploy software from Github to an application running on AWS. The application is a simple demo app build with the Django web framework. Here's a diagram depicting how it is configured.

How to Proceed

Step 1: Get access to your AWS Account

The first step is to make sure you have an AWS account. If you don't have one, you can go to http:\/\/ now to create one. A credit card is needed.

Step 2: Build the VPC

The first thing you'll need to do is build the VPC resources. VPC is a foundational component of the project, as most other resources will need to be deployed into the VPC you create. If you know what VPC is, you can move straight to the VPC Lab; otherwise it's recommended to read the Intro to VPC lesson.

Intro to VPC


Step 3: Build the EC2 Resources

With the VPC created you can now build the resources needed to deploy the EC2 instances. This includes creating a Key Pair, an IAM Role, AMI, and an Autoscaling Group. If you're familiar with these components you can move staight to the EC2 Lab lesson; otherwise take some time to read through the additional lessons below.

Intro to EC2

Intro to AMIs

Intro to Autoscaling

EC2 Lab

Step 4: Build the RDS Resources

The application's MySQL database server will be deployed with RDS. You can read the Intro to RDS lesson below to get an overview on the service. Then follow the steps in the RDS Lab lesson to build the RDS server for this project.

Intro to RDS


Step 5: Build the CodeDeploy Resources

The last step in the project is to build the CodeDeploy resources. This includes creating a Deployment Group, and deploying a new revision of software to your instance. Read the Intro to CodeDeploy lesson for an overview on the service. Then build the components by following the steps in the CodeDeploy Lab.

Intro to CodeDeploy

CodeDeploy Lab

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