This project requires a small MySQL RDS instance. This instance will be configured to run in Single-AZ mode. Follow these steps to create it.

Step 1: Create an RDS Security Group

  1. Open the Security Group Console
  2. Click on the Create Security Group button
  3. In the dialog box fill in these settings:

    1. Security group name: <your_name>-RDS

    2. Description: RDS Security Group

    3. VPC: (select your VPC)

  1. With the dialog box still open, click on Add Rule, and fill in these details:

    1. Type: MySQL

    2. Source: Select Custom, then type in the name of your EC2 Security Group which should be <your_name>-EC2

  1. Click on the Create button

Step 2: Create a DB Subnet Group

Subnet Groups define the subnets that RDS instances are placed into when launched.

  1. Open the Subnet Group Console
  2. Click on the Create DB Subnet Group button
  3. On the Create DB Subnet Group screen, type in these settings and click Create
    1. Name: <your_name>-DBSG
    2. Description: My DBSG
    3. VPC ID: (your VPC)
    4. Availability Zone: ap-southeast-1a
    5. Subnet ID: (add both private Subnets. You can find the IDs here)
      1. Click the Add button next to Subnet ID

Step 3: Launch the RDS Instance

In this step you will launch the RDS instance and then create a DNS record.

Step 3.1: Launch the Instance

  1. Open the RDS Console

  2. Click on the Launch DB Instance button

  3. On the Select Engine screen, choose the MySQL tab and click Select

  4. On the Production? screen, select the Dev\/Test radio button

  5. On the Specify DB Details page, specify these settings and click Next Step

    1. DB Instance Class: db.t2.micro

    2. Multi-AZ Deployment: No

    3. DB Instance Identifier: <your_name>-RDS

    4. Master Username: dbmaster

    5. Master Password: 5T8390sdkd

  1. On the Configured Advanced Settings tab, specify these settings and click the Launch DB Instance button

    1. VPC: (select your VPC)

    2. Subnet Group: (select the Subnet Group you created in Step 2 above)

    3. Publicly Accessible: No

    4. Availability Zone: (leave at default)

    5. VPC Security Group: (select the security group you created in Step 1 above)

    6. Database Name: mainDB

Step 3.2: Create a DNS Record

  1. Get the RDS Instance Endpoing CNAME by opening the RDS Instance Console and looking at the details of your instance

  2. Open the Route53 Hosted Zone Console

  3. Open the alpha DNS zone

  4. Click on the Create Record Set button and use these settings:

    1. Name: mysql

    2. Type: CNAME

    3. Value: (insert your RDS Instance Endpoing CNAME)

  1. Click the Create button

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